Top 10k strings from Sgt. Pepper 03 (1988)(Sgt. Pepper).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Demos - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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1 ~wpjd^YTOKGC?;852/,*'%#! 1 b$="Pepper3" 1 a$="Sgt.3" 1 Z0 D< 0DD 1 SGT.PEPPER 1 Microdrive/Opus 1 JULY 1988. 1 Hi there Spectrumfans, it's Sgt. Pepper interrupting your screen with a new demo. As usual on these scrolltexts, you will find greetings and messages, so keep on reading. To Stefan Edberg (yes I know, small chance that he'll read this): That's the way to treat Boris Becker, hit the bastard off the court. To HS: Old eagle. To GS: Some snacks here and there. To GH: +3. To BK: You're not sleeping are you ? To Dack: Belinda Carlisle. To NW: +D. To RC: Hi there mate. To MW: Don't forget that list. To AF: Keep it up. To RT: Send me an update. To JB: Kooday mate. To all Spectrumowners: Keep on computing. To all 128K users: When I crack a game, I try to keep the 128K features intact, but on the occasional game they will be left out. Sorry about that, but since I have a 48K myself, I can't really do double copies of every game. To SSC: How can you call yourself crackers when all you do is push the button on your back-up interface ? And not only that, but on non protected games ? You really make me laugh. To all hon 1 Disciple/Plus D 1 '"0 - Start" 1 "Sgt. Pepper Demo 3"'' 1 "Saveoptions:"'' 1 "ENTER when ready: "; 1 "5 - Microdrive/Opus" 1 "4 - Beta Disc (USR 15614)" 1 "3 - +3 Disc" 1 "2 - Disciple/Plus D" 1 "1 - Tape" 1 PRESENTS 1 DEMO 3